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To help as many investors as possible realize financial freedom through land investing.
To help investors reach SIX Figures within 6-12 months using our strategies no matter their experience level.
To provide you with all the tools, resources, and knowledge to help you become successful quickly, consistently, and long term.
I have worked in residential sales as a broker; co-created an investing group in Florida for single-family homes; worked with lease options, short sales, and REOs for investment; and have worked in commercial brokerage.
Since 2012, my main focus has been on land investing.
My wife and I enjoy that we get to do everything together in business and our personal lives. We live in the mountains and love basically anything to do with them – hiking, biking, and skiing!
I am a huge fan of the Cincinnati Reds, Baltimore Orioles, New England Patriots, and Boston Bruins.
Co-Founder The Land Method
I started dabbling in Real Estate in 2008. I did some deals here and there. I started to take it seriously around 2011 while working for a big Real Estate investor.
In 2012, I got my real estate license and figured out after about a year that is not what I wanted to do.
I have been helping new and experienced investors in the housing and land business realize their goals for the past 12 years
Co-Founder The Land Method